"Very often, I felt drawn to greater sacrifice for others. Consequently, I was constantly occupied with the thought of how I could be of service to the needy and the poor.""We continued working to attain the goal for which we had banded together."
"After Father Barzynski gave me his blessing, he attempted to encourage me by saying that the money I might receive by begging would be meant for St. Joseph home. Any rudeness or reproaches I might receive, I was to accept for myself. I was heartened by this advice."
"I'd been thinking for some time in what way better comfort and lodging could be given to poor girls, widows, and to the sick."
"Despite all cares and worries, I never felt weary. My greatest joy was kneeling to say the evening prayers and rosary with the residents. I rejoiced when I saw how fervently and willingly they prayed."
"At times, I felt such a great yearning for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament that I was ready to run to church at any time, even late in the evening"."We were very happy at the thought of beginning our postulancy on December 8. I, in particular, was so overjoyed that I began to plan in what way I could most solemnly honor the feast of the Immaculate Conception since this was the feast I loved best in the whole year. "
"I could not contain my joy at the thought that from this day forward, we would have the Blessed Sacrament in our small chapel."
"I reassured myself with the thought that whatever I did, I would do for the greater glory of God... As long as I loved, I would try as much as my strength allowed."
"I wondered how we could live as a Community since we had no permanent home. No doubt, in this instance, we would be following the example of our Holy Father Francis, who also had no permanent home. This thought consoled me and brought me peace of mind."
"The thought that I had freely agreed up on this undertaking (the founding of the Congregation) for the love of Jesus Christ sustained me.""It seemed to me that with the help of God I would be equal to any task with which I was confronted."
"When it was necessary to sacrifice myself in order to bring about peace, I did not hesitate; I trusted in God and He came to my aid."
"I realized that it is safest to put all hope in God alone; therefore, in all difficulties, I went to Him for help."
"It is always so: God allows sadness in our lives, but He also consoles us. As much as I was able to, I reassured myself with the thought that whatever I did, I would do it for the greater glory of God."
"My doubts (concerning my unpreparedness for First Profession) disappeared after I submitted myself to the Will of God."